Thursday, February 4, 2010

Swan! In store now + Freebie

I've just popped my new kit into my store, it is named Swan because I was inspired by the swan element it contains. It ended up taking a different direction than I expected but I love where it ended up :) I am very proud of it as I did a lot of exploring with textures among other things and discovered so many great things!


And now some lovely LOs for my CT


 Caryn, aka Color With Caryn, also too the time to create an amazing LO for me


For the above layout I used the February Calander Challenge template by Wilma, which you can pick up for free here.

Now, onto my freebie for y'all. To coincide with the release of Swan I created an add on. I used Color with Caryn's Infused Grab Bag 1 to make these goodies for you. The grab bag has been fully revealed, so pop over to Caryn's blog if you want to see what goodies it contains!

Okay, enough yacking from me - you just want your freebie, right? ;)



I'd love to hear what you think!